Butchie is doing well this morning. I thought I was getting up at 6am, fed Butchie, then see it was past 9
Butchie gets his attitude from his Mommy!! Last night she was scolding and having a fit. Went over there knowing it was a cat (dang neighbors refuse to keep their cats indoors
Which reminds me, today is Butchie's one week anniversary
On a totally unrelated note, I was reading this before I hit send and there is a HUGE jumping spider on my computer screen
03-19-2011, 12:30 PM
He didn't want to be weighed, he wanted to EAT!!
Also, when do I moved him up as far as conversion? He is still on 1/4 new, 3/4 old. No runny or loose poo at all. He poo'd quite a bit this morning (at 9).
Snuggled him a bit after lunch, but he was already fast asleep. He is just soooo cute and sweet. I know this is just a phase he is going through
03-19-2011, 01:46 PM
I will switch to half and and half on next feeding then
I would have to check my notes but I aim for every three hours. He takes 3 to 4 cc's each. About 22-25 cc's per day
03-19-2011, 09:59 PM
Butchie's last three feedings have been at 3:40pm, 6pm, and 9:10pm. Each time, to some degree, he has tried to inhale (??) his food and ends up sneezing/sputtering. Each time I thought I was going slow, but slowed down each feeding after. This last feeding I was going super slow, but he still did it at the end of syringe #3. I stopped him at 3; the two previous times we took a break and he did get #4. I know I am feeding him enough, and he is not sucking hard on the nipple . He eats on his tummy now and has been for a while as he seems to do best that way, but maybe I am feeding him wrong?
I snuggled him for a bit and petted him, which he seems to like. He did his usual twitching in his sleep routine and then I set him in his nest and he burrowed down and curled up as usual. Petted him some more and he rolled almost on his back, and stretched
Apparently he is still trying to give me grey hairs? Maybe he was sent by the other squirrels with strict instructions to drive me crazy? Could this be retaliation for chasing them out of apple trees and away from my sunflowers last year
In addition to feeding Star an occasional (daily) treat, I am now keeping an eye out for Butchie's Mommy and fed her some treats tonight too. Actually I couldn't find Star. She was out earlier begging but I told her to come back when I found my turtle. I called for her a bit later but no Star so her treats may still be on our roof. She will find them in the morning. Butchie's Mommy scolded me tonight; I don't know why
03-19-2011, 10:32 PM
I forgot to mention that I did tilt him nose down, 2-3 times each episode, and also wiped his nose, mouth with a tissue. As much as he sneezed each time I hope he got it all out?
I have been holding him to my ear, literally, when I pick him up. He sounds fine, but boy does his heart beat fast
By slow, is there a time per syringe tip I should be following? Takes about 5 to 10 minutes per feed (4 1cc syringes). I will go slower if needed. Weird how he is starting to do this; I thought maybe he was caught up on food. I'm actually missing when he would refuse the syringe and I had to coax him.
03-19-2011, 10:51 PM
Thank you; I will try that idea. Yes I did keep him tilted; he wasn't real fond of that. He wonders about me enough already but really
. But I would tilt him, wipe his nose (he hates that too), then hold him normal and wait. If he sneezed or made a sputter sound, tilted again and I would wipe his nose.
The baby you talked about; did he or she turn out ok? Was he/she another fox squirrel?
I may be able to get antiobiotics from my vet. Not sure if I am in a squirrel friendly state as I can't get access to check. But we have known the same vet for many years, so hopefully.
I actually just ordered Baytril this morning (I like to keep a fresh supply on hand). All I could find was liquid Baytril; I prefer powder but Baytril is tricky to find any more. Though if he did get sick I doubt it would get here in time. I know timing is key with respiratory (went through it with rescued rats). Nowadays when my mice/hamsters etc have respiratory infection I brew up some thyme tea; saved more then a few I would have otherwise lost. Especially when they get sick after hours.
The baby you talked about; did he or she turn out ok? Was he/she another fox squirrel?
I may be able to get antiobiotics from my vet. Not sure if I am in a squirrel friendly state as I can't get access to check. But we have known the same vet for many years, so hopefully.
I actually just ordered Baytril this morning (I like to keep a fresh supply on hand). All I could find was liquid Baytril; I prefer powder but Baytril is tricky to find any more. Though if he did get sick I doubt it would get here in time. I know timing is key with respiratory (went through it with rescued rats). Nowadays when my mice/hamsters etc have respiratory infection I brew up some thyme tea; saved more then a few I would have otherwise lost. Especially when they get sick after hours.
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