Quick update, Butchie is doing fine
No clicking, and after reading all the other symptoms I think he is ok
I do use 1cc syringes right now, ordered them and the silicon nipples when I ordered the FV formula. Checked my notes and I have been moving up a step on converting every other day, and this is the day to try 1/4 old and 3/4 new, so this afternoon I will switch up.
I will get more pictures later. Thanks again to all; I am glad his pictures brightened your morning
Oh and about the thyme tea, I will have to search for links again. I think it strengthens the immune system, but it has anti bacterial and possibly anti viral properties as well. I take it myself for bad colds (it's particularly good for respiratory infections/sinus, etc.). Tastes not so good but works great. I first read about it when I was working at a pet store and two dwarf hamsters had a terrible respiratory infection. One didn't make it (I think I was just too late with him) but one did and I had him a couple of years. I have used it for mice as well. I wonder if it could have helped all the rats I had. I also use it for my birds. I have a lovebird who is at least 12, and when he gets a bit quiet I add it to his water. Seems to perk him up and he's good for several weeks. I take a tablespoon and brew it like regular tea, letting it steep in hot hot water for at least 20 minutes. You can strain out the herb (make sure if you do you squeeze all the liquid out of the herbs; then I just toss what's left in the compost), or you can leave the herb in; it sinks to the bottom pretty quick). It can be refrigerated for up to a week I think, though I try to use it up in a few days. I use covered glass jars (baby food or jelly jars would work fine.) . Offer a few drops for small critters like mice (directly then later in soaked bread etc, add sugar or honey if they don't like the taste), or dilute half and half in drinking water for birds (change at least daily). Squirrels I imagine could take a half eyedropper or so, depending on weight? You can probably use the spice in your pantry (if fresh); I buy in bulk at whole foods. It's a nice substitute for antibiotics or until you can get antibiotics (we all know how critters like to get sick after hours and on Sundays!). I have started mice on thyme and moved them over to baytril. In severe cases, like the hamsters and mice, I have been known to use a steam treatment if they are really having problems breathing. I have also used thyme oil (available at health food places like whole foods); I take a drop or two and smear it high up in a hospital cage; breathing that in seems to help (also eucalyptus, applied the same way). My mom bought some anti bacterial wipes from WF last week, and I could smell the thyme; they have thyme oil in those as well. It's a strong smell, but in light of all the critters who have benefited, I like the smell now
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