03-14-2011, 09:55 AM
I am exhausted but he looks good. I wipe him off after each feeding then snuggle him in a towel, then stimulate and he usually goes best about 10 minutes after eating. Skin when pinches goes back quickly. He seems happier then yesterday, now being on actual food. Bet he wonders about me
03-14-2011, 10:20 AM
Just seeing replies, that makes me feel better others were up so early too
The glass tank is a 2 1/2 gallon, pretty small, actually smaller then the showbox he is currently in, it's taller but not as wide I don't think. so he shouldn't get lost. I will switch him over in a bit.
Looks from one reply like he is gaining right
. That's a weight less the 24 hours after the first, so maybe he will gain a bit more today. Wish I had weighed him when I brought him in, as a reference. I am keeping careful notes started with yesterday afternoon's feeding when he had the last feeding of the solution.
I wasn't sure it was good to handle him so much but figured since they be so social and he's gotta be missing his squirrely family it can't hurt. And yeah, I secretly enjoy those snuggle sessions
. He is so wonderfully soft and feels like a little hot pack when I pick him up
. Kinda like a hairless rat I once had (rescue boy named Calvin). He was always hot to the touch.
** thank you. My next question would have been about the change over to fv, so I will look for that post tomorrow. I figure I had a few days to ask about that, and you beat me to it
. I knew to keep him on the goat's milk formula and didn't remember any confusion on reading your post. I wish I hadn't opened the esbilac already I would return it, but maybe I can donate it to a dog rescue, or something.
A bit of a scare last night at his 11:30pm feeding as I thought I had fed him too much. I stimulated him a couple times and rubbed his tummy and kept checking him a jillion times but he was fine. Waited a full three hours just in case, but by then his tummy had gone down. Overactive imagination on my part. He had eaten over 3cc's of formula and just looked too full.
I am feeding him 3cc's every 2 and a half to 3 hours, according to my notes. This is around the clock so I am not sure how many feedings a day that would calculate too (brain is tired and doesn't want to calculate, you all understand
Oh, and I have fallen for a squirrel. Star knows that I secretly like squirrels even though I despise them getting into our apple tree, and stealing my sunflowers and other crops every summer. She says it be mostly the boys who do that and I believe her! After all, she does get out of said apple tree when I ask/tell her to. It's the bratty boys who race to the top branches and yell back at me.
I am actually surprised it took me this long to find a squirrel to rescue. Every other animal in the world, domestic and wild, can see the invisible to humans sign on my forehead that says I am a softie.
Thank you again. Gotta wake up the rest of my critter zoo, even though I'd love to just take a nap!
The glass tank is a 2 1/2 gallon, pretty small, actually smaller then the showbox he is currently in, it's taller but not as wide I don't think. so he shouldn't get lost. I will switch him over in a bit.
Looks from one reply like he is gaining right
I wasn't sure it was good to handle him so much but figured since they be so social and he's gotta be missing his squirrely family it can't hurt. And yeah, I secretly enjoy those snuggle sessions
** thank you. My next question would have been about the change over to fv, so I will look for that post tomorrow. I figure I had a few days to ask about that, and you beat me to it
A bit of a scare last night at his 11:30pm feeding as I thought I had fed him too much. I stimulated him a couple times and rubbed his tummy and kept checking him a jillion times but he was fine. Waited a full three hours just in case, but by then his tummy had gone down. Overactive imagination on my part. He had eaten over 3cc's of formula and just looked too full.
I am feeding him 3cc's every 2 and a half to 3 hours, according to my notes. This is around the clock so I am not sure how many feedings a day that would calculate too (brain is tired and doesn't want to calculate, you all understand
Oh, and I have fallen for a squirrel. Star knows that I secretly like squirrels even though I despise them getting into our apple tree, and stealing my sunflowers and other crops every summer. She says it be mostly the boys who do that and I believe her! After all, she does get out of said apple tree when I ask/tell her to. It's the bratty boys who race to the top branches and yell back at me.
Thank you again. Gotta wake up the rest of my critter zoo, even though I'd love to just take a nap!
03-15-2011, 11:17 AM
Thank you, **, I will definitely transition him that way
Butchie seems to be doing well. I did weigh him this morning before a feeding and he is up to 70 grams. Sound about right for gaining weight? I finally found a nipple to use until his order comes; it's from a PetAg nursing kit. I stretch it to fit the tip of the syringe and he took to it pretty quick. I have also learned to go slower, which makes him drink longer and he gets more formula. Some feedings he doesn't take as much, others he takes more the 3cc's. I thought the syringe I was using was a 3cc but it holds 5cc; explains why he didn't want it all :O. Sometimes he will eat a bit, and if it isn't 3cc I will stimulate him to potty and clean him up a bit (less mess now with using the nipple), then rewarm and offer more food. Usually he will finish up, but sometimes he refuses. I also watch his tummy and when it gets that slightly round look I know he won't take anymore.
We are getting there! I have to remember to go on his terms. He is funny, does that scoldy thing sometimes (funny cause his eyes still be closed, like very tiny kittens hissing when their eyes haven't yet opened). He does it if he hears a loud noise or gets startled, but if I pet him and talk to him he settles right down. He doesn't seem to mind being held and seems to love snuggling. He kicks at me sometimes, really funny, or he will try and bat me away.
I do have picture's just haven't put them up on photobucket yet. Also have some of Star (Grandma/Great Grandma?), spoiled chubby girl she is.
Oh and what color should his poo be? It's normally a yellowish brown, but after his 12:45am feeding he had one that had a bit of red on one end? Next poo after 3:45am feeding was normal and same with since. He is alert and active not lethargic at all, but worried me a bit. That was the only time too. Pee is always clear.
Butchie seems to be doing well. I did weigh him this morning before a feeding and he is up to 70 grams. Sound about right for gaining weight? I finally found a nipple to use until his order comes; it's from a PetAg nursing kit. I stretch it to fit the tip of the syringe and he took to it pretty quick. I have also learned to go slower, which makes him drink longer and he gets more formula. Some feedings he doesn't take as much, others he takes more the 3cc's. I thought the syringe I was using was a 3cc but it holds 5cc; explains why he didn't want it all :O. Sometimes he will eat a bit, and if it isn't 3cc I will stimulate him to potty and clean him up a bit (less mess now with using the nipple), then rewarm and offer more food. Usually he will finish up, but sometimes he refuses. I also watch his tummy and when it gets that slightly round look I know he won't take anymore.
We are getting there! I have to remember to go on his terms. He is funny, does that scoldy thing sometimes (funny cause his eyes still be closed, like very tiny kittens hissing when their eyes haven't yet opened). He does it if he hears a loud noise or gets startled, but if I pet him and talk to him he settles right down. He doesn't seem to mind being held and seems to love snuggling. He kicks at me sometimes, really funny, or he will try and bat me away.
I do have picture's just haven't put them up on photobucket yet. Also have some of Star (Grandma/Great Grandma?), spoiled chubby girl she is.
Oh and what color should his poo be? It's normally a yellowish brown, but after his 12:45am feeding he had one that had a bit of red on one end? Next poo after 3:45am feeding was normal and same with since. He is alert and active not lethargic at all, but worried me a bit. That was the only time too. Pee is always clear.
03-15-2011, 11:34 AM
These are various pictures from the last few days, some are phone camera pictures:

Star, doing what she does best, mooching. She will follow me around the yard if the dogs aren't out, sometimes even if they are (fortunately the dogs will leave her when I tell them):

And Butchie's namesake, found this while uploading pictures:

These are various pictures from the last few days, some are phone camera pictures:
Star, doing what she does best, mooching. She will follow me around the yard if the dogs aren't out, sometimes even if they are (fortunately the dogs will leave her when I tell them):
And Butchie's namesake, found this while uploading pictures:
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