Butchie is doing great; eating pretty well and up to 96 grams. No sign of eyes opening just yet. Thank you again, for all the great info, Marty, and also SR&BT
I am just back from a trip to the feed store and hoping hoping hoping a guy calls me back about a baby he just found. Eyes open (not sure if boy/girl). He said the baby walked right up to him and climbed up his pant leg. I told him about the one I have, special formula. Feed store owner asked about goat's milk so I told this guy about that recipe. He was leaning toward giving me the baby, but wanted his wife to see him first
Akk, this is driving me crazy. I really wanted this baby right then and there, but didn't get his phone number. Prayers and good vibes he calls me soon. This little one looked a bit scared and tired but otherwise good. He was laying on his side in the box just resting and was looking around a bit. Now I am wondering if he fell, but if he had would he have been able to climb this guy's pant leg??
IF I do get a call I will give him his own thread cause I will have a slew of questions! Like if he can be with Butchie yet or should I wait till Butchie opens his eyes, etc. I imagine he would need rehydrating etc, dang it I didn't even mention that to the guy. He mentioned a friend of his had one as a pet at one time and this squirrel was just the best critter, but then got a hold of the friend's cigarette one day
Even if he keeps him, I hope he calls. Maybe he has internet and I can guide him here? I dunno; I think he was a farmer type; they had come in to buy two bags of oats. Seemed they were regulars as the feed store owner called the younger lady by name. He was familiar with the area I live in, so that was good at least. I got the impression he would call, so hopefully!!
03-24-2011, 04:15 PM
Well, I guess he decided not to call
On the homefront, Butchie seems a bit quieter about food today. I can't get him to take his usual 4 cc's each feeding (4 cc's is the most he will take per feeding). He is taking between 2 and 3. I don't know if I should feed him more less often or less more often. I am home all day and perfectly ok with feeding him more often. He can go 5-6 hours at night, though I often will get up halfway through and feed him (again, I don't mind since I am unemployeed). He normally takes 3-4 cc's every 3-4 hours, with 5-6 hours in between night feedings.
He did gain his normal 4 grams; he takes 20 - 24 cc's everyday. It's just after 4pm here and he has had 12.5 cc's total so far today, so maybe he is ok? It's just odd because normally he will take 4 each feeding. Bugger boy just wants to create drama for this week perhaps?? Last night I was an hour later with food and he squeaked once! Got my attention, lol. He was roaming around wondering where I was with his food. He is very active and his breathing is still good. He did sputter a bit yesterday during a feeding but I am so quick with the "tilt nose down and wipe his nose/mouth with tissue" deal that he turned out fine. Sneezed a bit and that was it. I do have baytril now; it arrived yesterday. But his breathing sounds great. He is quite a vocal baby and seems normal (for a squirrel??) otherwise?
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