April 5 diary
04-05-2011, 01:09 AM
Butchie and Joey are doing well. Butchie weighed in at 140 grams - double what he was 23 days ago
. Joey weighed in at 233 grams
.Butchie had no interest in playing with Joey, except to pounce on him once and scold him several times. Joey was pretty crazy yesterday evening; maybe he was too much for Butchie? I haven't had them together much because Butchie does seem overwhelmed by Joey. Butchie will play with me (complete with an assortment of the coolest noises
) , and loves to snuggle and climb and explore. I wonder if he is developing normally but only having Joey as comparison and Joey being so much older I can't really tell. I do have videos of Butchie and can get more. Butchie actually jumped out of his 5 gallon tank Sunday night; little bugger is fast
!! He plays some, pees and poos on his own now, is taking 6cc's each feeding (HIS idea to move up so fast
). Mostly he just sleeps but that's about right for his age, right? At six weeks he would still be tucked in the nest with his littermates? I noticed he is going through a spooky phase now too? Usually he is fairly calm, but last week and now this week he spooks easier then he used to. He always scolds if he hears sounds he doesn't like; he has been like that from the beginning. If it is just me and him, he is very calm and sweet, snuggly and friendly. I noticed when Joey was playing last night he would freeze or curl up and try to snuggle under his blankies. Joey did come over to him and groom him and try to snuggle a bit, and Butchie kinda protested and wasn't as interested as he used to be. Hopefully just a phase? Maybe I should try giving them some time together when Joey is calm and sleepy? (No, really!! It happens!! Sometimes Joey stops playing and SLEEPS!! I have pictures to prove it!!).Joey was EVERYWHERE yesterday!! Wow, I want that energy!! Came and played with me, bounced and made his own assortment of the coolest little noises; I swear he giggles sometimes
. CRACKS me up!! Scolded me when I picked him up to put him back in his bin (he needs a new cage; will work on that later today). He didn't want formula today; just couldn't coax him to take more then a few cc's. He ate well on his own, cereals, veggies, banana, yogurt, a few slivered almonds. I mixed some formula in with the cereal; I think he tried a bit. He is not into brocolli, cauliflower or sugar peas, so I mixed those with yogurt and banana and he ate some. He does seem to like leafy greens like dandelion (safe, from our yard), and kale. I didn't go out and pick weeds because the wind was too cold, and I was feeling wimpy yesterday. We have had crazy weather; record high on Saturday and snow Sunday. Tuesday should be nice but always with that wind
.My mom took one of our kitties to the vet for pre-dental bloodwork. Vet mentioned they had someone call about a baby squirrel. Mom told her to give them her cell # if they or anyone calls again, then she will give the phone to me. (she told the vet I have all the supplies and food). Somehow I have become a squirrel expert, how scary is that? With the exception of the lady ** told me about, and one more I happened upon on this forum, I know of no rehabbers in this state
. Maybe the vets don't know either? Both the ones I know about are pretty far away; no one in this city.**, I ordered some bigger syringes from Chris. My order is still in the processing stage so I hope my card info went through ok. Butchie does NOT like switching syringes so often, poor guy (he gets VERY attached to them!!). I ordered 3cc syringes for him, and some actual 5cc ones for Joey. I also got some different nipples one was listed as Chris' favorites. Also ordered another bag of 32/40, sigh, just in case. I have no issues raising more babies; what freaks me is the actual release. If it's not cats, or dogs, or people, it's cars. I also saw some pretty good size hawks flying overhead last week
. I try not to think about releasing. I have no cage, and no idea how to build one. Money is still tight right now. Hoping I still have a few weeks to figure out what to do.I need to get my pictures uploaded to photobucket; then will post those and some videos. Oh! For warming syringes, I use the heating pad. Problem is the other morning I didn't tuck them under far enough. Sometimes if I am in a rush, I keep them in the hot water cup. Then I have to feed Joey first, because his leak out into the water
. Butchie's usually don't because of the silicon nipples.
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